Saturday, September 16, 2006

1 more day! Just one more day!

Dear will be back in Singapore tmr! *yippee* Looking forward to seeing him again.

Bought a microphone for my pc finally! Haha. Just when fred's coming back tmr. It's ok, I can put the mic to use the next time he goes overseas again.

Woke up at 6+am this morning for a career talk in school. I shouldn't have woken up so early, or rather, I shouldn't even have bothered going. I left the LT at 10am even though the whole event ends at 2pm...

Went to the library to do up my lab report and had problems connecting to my school's wireless network! And my laptop keeps hanging!!! Argh. I hate it when computers give me problems. Was feeling all panicky and stressed. Didn't even have lunch, cos by the time I felt like eating something, I realised that there's nothing left in the canteen anymore.

Today's quite a productive day, considering that I actually got quite a couple of things done. I finished my lab report and a tutorial, made my own notes for a lecture and read half of what i'm supposed to prepare for english. Gonna study a bit more later. But then again, I'm feeling kind of sleepy.

Met zen for dinner at around 7. He wanted to go to our fav jap restaurant but I just visited the place yesterday with william. So, we headed to bugis cos he had to buy some stuff from sim lim, and we had yoshinoya for dinner.

Fred sent me 2 postcards from denmark! I like the second post card a lot.... Here it is!

A big lady bug with some danish words on it. I went to check it out at some online translator and it translates to "shall you to the forest??" ................... which doesn't really make any sense to me in english.


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