Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Haven't updated this blog in a long time...

We're 2 weeks into school already and the work's piling up already! Boo. I'm still in a holiday mood though.

Fred's going ice skating with me on saturday! Woot! That's one thing for me to look forward to, definitely! Meeting him tmr too, for dinner. :)

So, the deal has been set with 2 scoops to go running together on thursday! And every monday with ai (tentatively). Ping needs to get running again... *hums tune of 'running' by No doubt*

Had dinner with eve and baichi lian just now at Thai express, holland v. The rice portion was soooooooo... small. I wasn't even full after my meal. But then, again, maybe it's just me (and my big appetite). Oops.

I went for the teaching award seminar today. It was supposed to be from 6-8pm... and i was late for it. By the time I got there, it was almost 6.30 and guess what? The thing ended at 6.45pm!!!! *grr* So basically, I just sat at the back of the LT for, like, 15 min?!

Oh, I learnt something fascinating during my 'infectious diseases' lecture the other day. Did you know that some pple are actually resistant/immune to HIV?!?!?! *hmm*


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