Saturday, November 27, 2004


YES! YES! YES! The exams are finally over~ *phew* Had my govt n politics paper this morning. Wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. :) But, well, I just need a C, don't have to do that well for that module. Heh. What's more important is, THE EXAMS ARE ALL OVER!!!!!! Wahahaha! Ok, i'm a little hysterical right now... Overwhelmed by the fact that I'm free from the cluthes of my notes and textbooks... *grinz*

After my paper, went to bugis with lee ling for lunch at foodcourt. Walked around for a while before i headed off to my church office for teens. Led worship together with noah, and, oh, today's Joshua's turn at preaching. Whoa~ I'm impressed by the way he preached... A real dynamic speaker, i would say... Full of God's annointing.

Stayed back in church office for a little while after teens to watch the people perform the skit that they're going to put up for Christmas. Quite a simple piece, but still, wonderfully put together by JianYen... Some parts were hilarious!!! (excluding the part where the soundman screwed up... forgot to turn on the switch and no sound came out from the speakers...)

Took the train home with Cher Ying... She's an adorable kid. Always so naive, trusting and innocent... I think those are the reasons why kids are cute, aren't they?


Blogger lbandit said...

You're very cute too :p


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