Tuesday, May 03, 2005

thursday! thursday! i can't wait for thursday!!!!

Today's sports and history paper was bad.... Wrote some crap for the first question. Don't ask me what i wrote... cos i don't even know what i was writing about. Ha. I felt so frustrated halfway through the paper, I wanted to throw away my script, scream and run out of the exam hall. Of course, i didn't do that. I'm still sane. Sane, insane, sane, insane. Oh, wait a minute. Maybe i'm not. I'm not sure. *confused* Somebody tell me please?

Last paper on thursday!!!! Looking forward to that. Remind me to be happy regardless of whether it's an easy or difficult paper. Meeting up with sining after that. Finally, girl! No more mugging when we go out! *grinz*

A big thank you to lily for her sms-es and prayers. :)


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