Tuesday, February 22, 2005

brand new me

Cut my hair on saturday... I love my new haircut!!!! Heh. Positive comments from friends, so far. Except from mum who isn't very happy tat i splurged on my haircut... (in particular, the highlights) Check out my friendster picture for my current hairstyle. Hahaha. I wasn't too happy with the highlights... Thought it would have looked better if the colour is a shade or two lighter.

Went for hj's hall production on saturday. Happen to see quite a number of pple there... *It's a small world, after all... it's a small small world* Saw pk, weizhong (whom i haven't seen and talked to in a long time), darius, ting and henry! haha.

Sharon thinks I'm very brave to cut my hair this short. Heh. Well, i just felt like cutting. So there--> I ended up with this stylo and funky hairstyle.

Uncle Chade Meng, Aunt Cindy and Enya just got back from the States today. When Uncle Chade Meng saw me, he was saying "Wow, u always seem to look different whenever i see u!"

Thanks to sining for bringing me to the salon for my haircut!!!! Heh. *I shall remember our trend-setting promise*

*cough cough cough* i can't stop coughing. The air's really quite bad these few days. And the cough's spreading around, i think. So many pple coughing and having sore and irritated throats...

Went for macritchie for a run this morning with yl. Didn't manage to go on the treetop trail... Nvm, i'll go there again some other day. :)

Off to NEWater treatment plant tmr for my field trip... and going to Changi beach on friday!


Blogger lbandit said...

Running in a haze like this? That's just weird. I had wanted to jog yesterday... but i didn't think the weather was that conducive.

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

the air's quite fresh at macritchie leh... must be all the trees... going there again tmr!


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