Friday, February 18, 2005

the end of exxon mobil concert.

a big thank you to all who came down to support me during the exxon mobil concert... u all know who u are... Cindy,Zen, lbandit & #1 msn friend who came down after work, junming & shunmei who missed dinner and came down to watch the show instead (i'm very touched, thank you so much...) , angela, xy, jh, eve, junhao, el, and of cos, yiling (who came down from smu) !!!! Andrew senior came down too...

Was busy taking photos after the perfomance... so didn't really get to sit down and talk to u pple... was running all round the LT and backstage too... Heh. I'll try and post the pictures up... I'm such a computer idiot, i don't even know how to post pictures here on my blog. Haha. Yes, go on and laugh ur head off. :P

Now that the show's over, i should get settled down and start revising for all my tests and CAs coming up!!!!!! *argh*

One thing that i really treasure from this whole experience is the friendships that forged over the rehearsals and practices... Pple like ailian and shirley, who've grown so close to heart. I'll miss them when i leave synergy for good. The seniors too. Jingying, who's our super nice president... Kelvin too... And how could i forget? The guy who started calling me miss teo and the name has stuck around for as long as i'm in synergy... PETER TEO!!!!! hahaha.

Yea, going off to bed now... Tutorials tmr morning! Gd nite.


Blogger lbandit said...

Blogspot doesn't host pictures. You'll need to set up a picture hosting account which allows remote linking. Try its free.

Nice performance ; ) Yay!

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

alrite... took quite a number of photos... but still didn't manage to take with all the pple that i wanted to take with. Missed out a few here and there :( Glad that u enjoyed the performance!


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