Monday, February 07, 2005

happy CNY everybody!!!

Gosh, tmr's CNY eve already... SO FAST! hee. Grandma will be "checking out" (?) of the hospital to come home and have reunion dinner with us tmr and going back in again after a few days, for another week. Doctor wants to keep her under observation.

Don't really feel the festive spirit in the air thus far, though. Maybe cos i haven't been watching tv much lately, haven't been hanging around chinatown or listening to chinese radio stations. Heh. Missing out on all the CNY songs... Oh, R&B Xiao Tian Hou and R&Bimbo Dog, are our cds out yet??? Hahahha.

Mum's stored up all the CNY goodies... and me, been busy eating them. Haha. Pineapple tarts, almond biscuits, ba gua, and lots more. Haha. Mum keeps telling me not to finish them off before the new year even started. Heh. In that case, she can go and buy some more, right? *rubs hands in anticipation and glee*

Went to have lunch with cindy, kr and zen yesterday at toa payoh. Walked around with cindy cos she wanted to get her CNY clothes. I didn't really plan to get anything this year. Any more new additions to my already bursting cupboard and i fear it'll really explode. *BOOM* In the end, she didn't buy anything and i bought a pink skirt and a pair of slippers! Heh. Mum found the skirt a bit too short... :( but i'm still going to wear it! haha. I want to go alter some of my skirts. So, after alterations, they're brand new skirts. Heh. Smart right? Save money. Don't really wear those skirts anymore these days, anyway. So, they're just rotting away in my cupboard. Bleahz.

Oh, i'm going to cut my hair after dance performance. *excited* Cut it short. Real short. Chop all my hair off. Shave them off. Kidding about the shaving part. I'm not that crazy. Yet. :P

My right thumb bled yesterday. I don't know what happened to it. Along the edge of my nail and it's still hurting when i sms-ed this morning. Maybe i banged it against something. But i really don't recall anything like that happening. Maybe i was half asleep then. Stayed up to do my stats project and start on my gladiator essay. Yea, staring at my thumb now... At the streak of dried blood along the edge of my nail. Eeks.

Been having quite a number of late nights recently. All the stress piling up... Resulting in... BAD COMPLEXION. Bleahz. Bought aloe vera gel from watson's yesterday. Sining said that it works wonders. Going to give it a shot. Used it on my thumb yesterday too. Let me type out what it says on the back of the gel packaging. "Stabilized aloe vera gel which can be used as a moisturizer, or as general first-aid agent to soothe, promote healing and bring relief to the floowing conditions: Pimples/acne, ulcers (including mouth ulcers), Haemorrhoids (piles), stretchmarks, rashes, minor burns (including sunburn), bruises, cuts/abrasions and insect bites." A real example of being multi-purpose, eh? Realized i have a blue black on my left knee. I don't know how that came about too. Most probably from dance. Maybe i can use the gel on it but i really don't see how it can help. :P

Alright, that's all for now folks. HAPPY CNY EVERYBODY!


Blogger lbandit said...

That aloe vera gel sounds so much like panadol : )

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

haha. ya. both being multi-purpose but u don't apply panadol on ur skin, do u? hahhaha.


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