Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I woke up earlier than usual this morning. Wanted to go for a run in my neighbourhood but the weather too nice to laze in bed. Yea, so here i am sitting in front of my laptop writing the story of the day.

It was way past 3am. All was silent and still except for the occasional snore coming from my sister. I was up at my table, drinking coffee to keep myself awake so i can squeeze more information into my pathetic brain cells. The exams were barely a week from now.

Suddenly, i was wide awake. Not due to the effects of caffeine. It was something that i've seen... Brown, disgusting and crawls on six legs. I don't have to say much for you to guess what it is that i've just seen.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!! COCKROACH!!!!!!" I screamed, as i spotted the little fella running across my bedroom floor. I stood on my chair and prayed for lightning to strike the little fella to its death. What's the probability of that happening? *reaches for calculator* 0.00000000000000000000001. Right.

"SAMANTHA! WAKE UP AND HELP ME KILL THAT COCKROACH!" I shouted to my sis. She had always been the braver of the two of us, even though i'm the elder one. My heroine to save a damsel in distress.

"Kill it yourself," she muttered as she turned over in bed, "i want to sleep."

Oops. Helpline's not working this time.

She must be afraid of cockroaches, too. Coward.


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