Sunday, July 10, 2005

i'm sick of this.

I'm sick of this. This, meaning, THEM trying to control every aspect of my life.

Where i'm going, who i'm hanging out with, etc etc. If i say i'm going out with a friend, they'll ask is ur friend a guy or a girl. So what if i'm going out with a guy? SO WHAT?! Are u going to tell me i'm going to get raped, just by going out with a guy friend? RIGHT. U're living in the 21st century, u know. Not in the 1800s. What's with the "nan nĂ¼ shou shou bu qing" kind of mentality?!

Damn it. Do u have to know every single one of my friends? I can just make them up, and you know what? YOU won't even know it. Ha.

Right. So what am i going to eat for my next meal? Do i have to submit a detailed report to u? Include bar graphs and figures? Throw in some analysis, as well?

I mean, like, hello?! I'm soon to be TWENTY. 20. Not some stupid brainless 8 yr old little girl. I'll take that back. Kids nowadays are not stupid, u know.

Just let me grow up, can u? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I know, some friends will probably say, it's their way of showing their care and concern. Let me tell u something. I don't appreciate it at all. Thank you very much.

Looking forward to being 21. When i'm OFFICALLY AN ADULT.

So, there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes its not the age that shows u who u are. Well, its tough isnt it to tackle THEM. Guess, perhaps it might be good to see the meaning of their intentions through the lens of retrospective and perhaps its easier to understand why their reaction. Nevertheless, cool the jets and well hang in there.



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