Friday, March 04, 2005

At times like this, i just couldn't find the right words to say.

Wrote a long letter to peter today. I don't know if i should give it to him. He asked me why i wanted to quit dance, yesterday, during Synergy's AGM... His arm on my shoulder, looking at me, straight in my eye. I couldn't answer him. I just shrugged my shoulders and remained silent. I didn't know how to say it, or even what to say, and i just simply couldn't bring myself to say it straight to his face.

Linnea thought i was crying last night when peter put his arm on my shoulder. No, i wasn't. But deep down inside, I guess I was.

There is no need to report to him officially as to why i'm quitting synergy. But i feel like I'm obliged to do so. A form of showing respect to him, perhaps. Both as a trainer and as a friend.

Was talking to kelvin last night after i got home, on msn. And he said something that really struck me.

"Yes, i understand. There's just this small part of u that wants to stay... and u don't know how to say no."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as your good friend and dancer, I support you in whatever your decision is. Just be happy.

Blogger lbandit said...

I like that lil' gem. It seems to apply to so many things in my life...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ... somehow stumbled upon yr blog ... =) hello!

guess it is a difficult decision to make ... all the friendships forged, and the memories as well ... not easy to let go ...

dunno why you're quitting .. but i'm sure you have yr reasons ... and ultimately it's still yr choice .. regardless, we'll still call u Miss Teo when we see you around!

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

eh? who is anonymous? u forgot to sign off... heh. :P

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

hello simin!

yea, difficult decision, i would say... thought hard and long abt it.

Miss Teo, eh? Haha. Yea, i guess when i hear pple calling me Miss Teo ard in sch or on the streets, it wld most likely be one of the dancers. Heh. =P


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