Thursday, September 29, 2005


Just got back home from the airport. I was there to send ivan and royce off to london. Ivan's not going to be back till next year july. :( Less people during our gatherings. Hmm, seems like the group's getting smaller and smaller.

Mugged in the library for more than 6 hrs today! Geez. The library is cold. Gotta bring a thicker jacket the next time round.

Saw cheryl in the canteen today. She's doing her honours this year. Perhaps we can meet up for lunch one of these days. Catch up on each other. Hee. She thinks i look nicer in my short hair. Time for a hair cut?! hmm.

Note for shy guy: if u happen to see this post, do check ur gmail account, k? :)


Blogger lbandit said...

i check liao, nothing leh... unless not me...

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

hahha. Shy guy doesn't refer to you. :P u shy meh?


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