Thursday, September 15, 2005


My right eye is itching like mad. Some sort of eye infection? I have no idea. Guess i gotta stick to my specs for a week.

I wanna get new specs! Ting wanna get too. Maybe we'll go get together. *whee* Funky specs, funky specs... :)

Lehming is so ma fun... First it was the online quiz, now it's forming our own groups to do tutorial and present the answers to the class to earn up to 1% extra credit. Bleahz. Who wanna be in my group?

Mid term break coming up next week. Yippee! No sch for me. Well, i'll be studying anyhow. Anybody wanna join me for mugging sessions? I'm turning into a nerd. Geez.

I tried a new bus route home today. It took me abt 1 and 1/2 hrs! grr. I should have just stuck to my usual journey home. Sat on the bus till my butt almost caught fire. *now, now, where's the fire extinguisher?*

Enough of blabbering.



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