Tuesday, December 07, 2004

rain, rain, go away

I'm starting to miss you.

Just got back home not long ago from Sentosa. Hmm, OG outing... and guess how many pple from my OG turned up? 4!!!!!! (including me!) Quite pathetic, eh? No lah... Daniel called a few more pple down... A few of his army frens and a number of nus pple.

It's been raining the whole day. Drizzling, that is... *raindrops keep falling on my head~* ok, I should learn to count my blessings. Thank god there's no thunderstorm? Heh. But i think everyone had fun playing beach volleyball, frisbee and kayaking... Oops, i just discovered a cut on the bottom of my foot... Must have cut it at the beach... Argh, and i'm going to get bruises from all that beach volleyball. *ouch* But i would say today's a day well spent at Sentosa... I wanna go there again (when the sun is out?) !!!!!! Sentosa, anyone?


Blogger lbandit said...

wat's OG?

Blogger Hwee Ping said...

OG= orientation group


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