Friday, July 22, 2005


I'm feeling happy today.

Going to sch later on for a run with ai and to collect ndp preview tix.

Alrite. Ah, today's story is inspired by someone close to me. Can you guess who? Shouldn't be too hard to guess. Eggs. ;)

Once upon a time, there lived a girl who hated eggs. All kinds of eggs, regardless of how you cook them. Half boiled eggs, sunny side up, scrambled eggs, omelettes.

One fine day, a young man moved into their town. He's an egg farmer. He's tall, dark, muscular and incredibly good looking. He's the heartthrob of every single girl, a prince charming, a knight in shining armour. (of course not, he's just an egg farmer! duh.)

As all fairy tale goes, the girl who hated eggs fell in love with the charming egg farmer. The egg farmer wanted the girl to prove her love for him by eating a raw egg.

"If you really love me, will u eat this raw egg?"


The girl loved him with all her heart, so she closed her eyes, held her breadth and drank the egg in one gulp.

Hey, it wasn't so bad after all. She realized that she actually quite liked the taste of it. The feel of the slimy egg passing down her throat.

The girl married the farmer 3 days later. She moved into the farmhouse where she could have all the eggs she wanted and there, they lived happily ever after. (Author's note: "happily ever after" only applies till the day she died of stroke and high cholesterol from all those eggs that she ate. Watch ur diet, everybody.)



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